Monday, October 25, 2010

Ski Mask

I just went for a walk down to Ängelholm city, which is not even a 5 min walk from my dad's house, to get to the ATM machine and check how bad my economy is (I miss those old days in the US when you could actually drive with your car up to the ATM machine to do your business, without even leaving the car! Something I think the rest of the world needs to look into!)

Anyway, the temp outside is about 6 degrees celcius... All I have to say is that I need one of these!

A ski mask! It was so freaking cold out there! It felt like my face and ears was about to fall off! 

The temperature in the house has not improved either. This morning I checked the temp in the kitchen (where 1 of 2 heaters in the whole house actually works) and it said 17 degrees! Brrrrrr! The neighbor was here the other day to check the heaters, and he thought we just needed to air them out, but that was not the problem. So I just have to sit and wait for dad to get back home from his vacation so we can get this problem fixed. In the meantime I sit with my big fleeze blanket and thick sweatshirts on! Hopefully my sister found some real Swedish ragg socks on her shopping spree today, so my ice cubed toes get warmed up!

I hope everyone else doesn't have to be cold out there!

Cheers my friends!


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