Monday, May 3, 2010

Bad Driver?

The other day I had to back out of the garage (as usual) but also the whole drive way, as there was a car parked on our "turning point" (which I usually back in to so I can drive forward!).

I thought it would be a smart idea to turn by the new house they are building (you know, drive down the new drive way, back up and turn in to my drive way (it's like a T-cross) and then drive forward). Well, it didn't work as planned. The cement drive way they made is very high from the ground and consist of 2 tire strips with a big gap in between. So of course, I got stuck with my car when the tires came outside the cement and the cars' "belly" ended up on the cement. Complete stop! Could not even put the car in neutral!

Luckily (or maybe not?!) the guys were working on the new house next door. So with a French "Pardon" the guys came to my rescue. They (about 7 of them) lifted the car back up on the cement. So strong! I thanked them and then decided not to make another try and just revers the rest of the drive way!

The day after when I needed to get out again with the car (the other car was still occupying my "turning point") all the guys stopped what they were doing and they were just staring. I saw one guy putting his hands together in a praying position... I did not do go through with any other ideas I had, and instead did my reverse all the way out!

I do want to note because I know what you think! But No, I'm not a bad driver! I just have a very small and specially low car, too small/low for this off roading I have to do to get to my house!  What I need is a Jeep, 4x4!

Cheers my friends!


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