Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Nevis Update

Another crazy week at work, but plenty of fun! When we get busy you really get to show what you go for!

Last night I took my "resort golf cart license"! And I passed on my first try! LOL! So, now I can drive around the resort and I don't have to walk anymore.. (yea right!) Thanks John for the session!

Today I was off and I slept in until 11am! Well needed! Got up, goofed around the house for a while and then I went "down town" to Charlestown to go to the bank and phone store. 3 people were in front of me at the bank and I still had to wait for about 30 min... Island speed! And by the way, what's up with checks and no direct deposit? Seriously, it's 2011... I hate checks, and I hate going to the bank.. At least it was only 30 minutes and to "top up" my phone took 2 min!

Then I met Tara at Chrishi Beach for lunch. After she left I hung out for a little bit, surfing on my iTouch and drinking rose! What a great day off! It was so needed! And it's so important to just disconnect from work.

Tomorrow I'm back at work and then another day off! Have a feeling there will be some party going on Thursday night though.. Friday will be spent in bed all day! No appointments!!!

Hope you all have a great Easter!

Cheers my friends!


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